“This was for You”

Ben Davenport
2 min readApr 9, 2020


I was sitting for a long while, trying to think on something specific to write about. As I was waiting, I felt like the Holy Spirit was reminding me of something that happened several Easters ago. I thought it was worth writing about what I remembered, for this season.

This was a long while ago at Heritage, during a Good Friday service. I remember that some time after worship that night, part of the service included a video with several clips from The Passion of the Christ, or some other film or TV-movie about the crucifixion. I remember being moved by it, that approximation of the suffering of Jesus, for our sake — as close to real as humanly possible. I remember it very vividly; it was specifically the scene where Jesus is scourged by a Roman centurion. That is when I heard it; one of the first times I can remember hearing the impression of the Holy Spirit’s voice.

As I was watching this, and feeling genuinely and profoundly moved, deep down — not emotionally manipulated, but understanding how much Jesus loved me. The impression I heard was one simple phrase, heard just as this scene was happening: “This was for you.”

I did not fully feel the punch from that until I told my parents about what I heard afterward. All that pain and horror, Jesus endured it with me in mind. Not just “humanity” in general, but Ben Davenport. I still think that is beyond comprehension, and I can only sit quietly and thank God in response.

It isn’t “Good Friday” on the calendar yet, but this week holds a reminder of what Jesus really did for us. He already beat every ounce of darkness and evil and sin. I have to remind myself to live the way that I write, and this week, I am going to celebrate what Jesus endured and accomplished for me.

But He didn’t “just” do it for me.

It was (and is) for you, too.



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