I was sitting at my computer, feeling frustrated over some discomfort I was feeling. I had just got back from a walk, where I had felt confident and was off crossing streets and going places I could never go before my new cart. I was annoyed that I was feeling anything at all, even if it was an annoyance more than anything. But as I was sitting, I suddenly felt a powerful urge to search YouTube for the Superman March — the original theme of the Superman movie. I found a recent event at some big orchestra somewhere in Europe, where they played the song.
I listened to it all the way through, and understood why.
I clearly felt the Holy Spirit happily and vibrantly and brightly aim my eyes toward the swelling enthusiasm on the conductor’s face as he lead the musicians, and my ears to the feeling of hope and joy and childhood memories of watching everything Superman that I could when I was younger.
I heard Him tell me, strongly, to see myself that way. To see a figure of boundless optimism and strength and unshakeable faith in the face of any darkness. That He already sees that in me. I was moved by it, and sat in tears for a moment. But, I moved on with my day and forgot about it.
I had forgotten the full feeling I had listening to that piece of music and what it inspired in me. The king of person that God sees when He looks at me. I was annoyed by discomfort and wanted it to just go away. I was frustrated that I was even giving it a thought.
As I sat down again and remembered this moment, I don’t care about any of that. The Holy Spirit led me to listen to that piece, all the way through, because He sees Superman when He looks at me.
Everything that statement means to me is why He pressed me to search a simple video, and why He reminded me so sharply of it this evening.
It was very important for me to remember that, and I wanted to share it.