Nailed to the Cross
I was listening to worship music while doing my devotions, and there was an ad that came up on the music video I watching, and I went to skip it — but it turns out it was another worship song, and I was immediately drawn to the lyrics and listened to the whole thing to the end.
The song is called “Nailed to the Cross” by Rend Collective, and the song is about how all the darkness, accusations and attacks from the Enemy, all reminders and accusations and sins and things we have done wrong, have no power. We aren’t condemned because Jesus took all of it and vanquished it.
There isn’t anything that the devil can do or tell us that will make any of that stop being true. For me, there might be times where I feel stuck. I worry that I’m doing something wrong. And, every time that happens, I get a word or end up finding a song or a passage from Scripture.
I always hear the same things — that I’m free and redeemed, that I need to let go. I listen, and I remind myself of it, but I feel like I was lead to listen to this song. To use the truths in each line as a roadblock against every accusing voice.
I know that I was pointed to this song, because I have dealt with guilt and shame, and I know there are others who have faced that. You might have made choices you regret, said and done things you wish you hadn’t.
Whatever it is, it doesn’t have any power any more, because it is nailed to the Cross, and the enemy has no right to tell us to take it back.
When I stand accused by my regrets
And the devil roars his empty threats
I will preach the gospel to myself
That I am not a man condemned
For Jesus Christ is my defense
My sin is nailed to the cross
My soul is healed by the scars
The weight of guilt I bear no more
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord