In Response to the “MacArthur Debacle”

Ben Davenport
2 min readOct 24, 2019


Judges 4 — Deborah

There has been quite a lot said already about the unfortunate and bitter response John MacArthur gave in response to a woman who is serving Jesus and doing what she feels she has been called and inspired to do. But, I still felt like there was something I could say — and to be honest, MacArthur has nothing to do with it. I mean no disrespect, despite his lack of respect. I have been thinking and asking questions and talking about it for the past day and a half (and kind of stewing in total confusion as to how someone who claims to honor and follow Christ could come up with such dishonor in his speech).

For me, I have long been surrounded by men and woman who honor Christ in every situation, regardless of career. I want to list a few of the women in my life who have made me the person I am. Whether they are leaders or teachers or stay at home moms, it doesn’t make a difference; they are all deserving of respect, encouragement, and love. I am certain that Jesus celebrates their life and loves to see them honor Him. I doubt I would be the man I am without their influence, power, and wisdom.

Laura Davenport

Lisa McColm

Lauren Zeff

Darcee Safari

Christina Gilbreath

Grace Mulkey

Gloria Davenport

Emily Davenport

Kara Young

Julie Wilson Salwasser

Julie Clarke

Honestly, I could name much more, but I don’t know how long it would take to scroll down! I know that there are many other Christians who could look to their own lives to see the influence, wisdom, and power of women who love and loved Jesus with everything in them. The Bible has more than a few stories of women who stood in faith and courage, whose names were chosen by the Spirit and recorded forever.

Whether they are homemakers, worshipers, teachers, leaders, judges, politicians, scientists, or artists, when women like these are called Home, they will be welcomed with the brightest and most loving, pride-filled smile from the best Person in the universe — not with a scowl and a snide remark.

If Jesus doesn’t talk that way about the women who serve and love Him (no matter their job or calling!), not a single man who claims to serve and love Him should either. I certainly won’t!



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