In Every Nation

Ben Davenport
3 min readJun 18, 2020


In my One-Year Bible journal entry from yesterday, I highlighted a passage from Acts 10. I felt it was significant, and it is a very important statement of fact from the mouth of Peter. After he hears Cornelius’ testimony about the angel he heard from, Peter comes to completely understand the whole purpose of the vision he had seen. This is the short “opening sentence” from Peter’s message at Cornelius house:

Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (Acts 10:34–35)

Peter realizes here that the new reality God had brought through Jesus and through the Holy Spirit erases all lines. No amount of difference in melanin or language, history or culture, topography or flag design causes a person to greater than or less than any other. There is no partiality, but God has no problem with diversity, with different cultures and voices coming together, revering Him and walking in righteousness. Every nation has the capacity to be accepted by God, and He WANTS that for every nation.

If that applies to the grand scheme of things, the massive lands that are separated by borders and bodies of water, then it is the same closer to home. It is true for neighbors of different economic strata. It is true for neighbors with different amounts of melanin. It is true for people who disagree, whether over petty things like movies, or significant things like policy. Not everyone's approach is righteous. Things aren’t always “just fine” the way they are. But every person has not only the capacity to be accepted by Heaven, complete with access to a greater destiny. There is no difference too great that it cannot be made into a greater strength and a reason for unity.

God shows no partiality. The world and everyone in it is too precious to Him for that kind of empty, harmful nonsense. There is no room for disdain or anger or malcontent when it comes to what history or ancestry a person may have. There is no room for violence and oppression toward anyone because of the color of their skin. There is no room for reducing those figures who have gone on into history before us into evil men, worthy only of dishonor. Humanity is a mural of complexity and beauty — and it is destined for more than what the news cycle has to offer.

In every nation, there are those who walk in reverence and righteousness. They often go ignored or face injustice because they do what is right. God is paying attention. His designs for every nation and every person of every ethnicity and ancestry is stronger than any and every force of division.

That is where our focus should be: doing everything we can to bring the unity, healing, and strategies of God into every arena. Especially in the places where unrest and hurt run deep.

All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name. (Psalm 86:9)



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