Give Them Up
I highlighted a passage from Isaiah 43, this morning; this part of the prophet’s writing is looking forward to a future gathering of the scattered people of Israel (specifically) and a future where people of all nations are returned and reconciled to God. The part of the passage that stood out to me was this:
I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’
And to the south, ‘Do not keep them back!’
Bring My sons from afar,
And My daughters from the ends of the earth —
Everyone who is called by My name,
Whom I have created for My glory;
I have formed him, yes, I have made him.” (Isaiah 43:6–7)
God makes commands to the north and the south, to the farthest edges of Earth. He demands that His sons and daughters come home, that nothing keeps them oppressed or held back or imprisoned. No amount of distance, force, pain or failure will keep Him from bringing them back. Every person who is called by the name of God, who calls on Him and knows Him is called to return.
We are not mistakes or cosmic accidents. We are created by God, formed for His glory and to reflect His glory. Israel, as a people, were literally scattered across the globe, away from their homeland. They were spiritually distant because of their own immorality and idolatry. They were captives in a pagan land, but even that wasn’t too far away.
No matter what you fear is keeping you distant, whether it be pain or distance or any number of failures — God is bellowing the same command to the north and the south, for You.
“Give them up! Do not keep them back!”
Sin has no more power to oppress you.
Sickness has no power to rob you.
God takes it very seriously when His children are withheld. It doesn’t matter if it is your own fault that you’ve find yourself so far away. The One who formed you and made you is shouting for you. No chain or prison bars or shame or disease or estrangement can keep Him from pulling you back.
Whatever is holding you back, it has no hold on you.
It can’t hold on to you; it is an illusion, a farce of darkness that insists it has a claim on you.
But He already gave the order: “Give them up!”
Not even our own human stubbornness or shame can hold us back from Him. He has given the order and made the payment for your freedom, with His own hand, and there is no force of evil that can undo that.
I have revealed and saved and proclaimed —
I, and not some foreign god among you.
You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “that I am God.
Yes, and from ancient days I am he.
No one can deliver out of my hand.
When I act, who can reverse it?” (Isaiah 43:12–13)