From Psalm 68
From my One-Year reading today, there was a portion of the Psalms that stood out to me. I re-read it a lot throughout the day, and when I went back to read it again, I wanted to write a little about what I saw and understood from it. The passage comes from the early half of Psalm 68:
A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows,
Is God in His holy habitation.
God sets the solitary in families;
He brings out those who are bound into prosperity;
But the rebellious dwell in a dry land. (Psalm 68:5–6)
The whole of Psalm 68 is one of many worship-related psalms. It is all about God’s authority from Heaven on the Earth, over nature and nations, and His redemptive power over evil. This particular part of Psalm 68, I felt was very appropriate to read, especially in a season of confusion and isolation. It is pretty straightforward, but the things it says about the nature of God are more than worthwhile…
God is the Father of the fatherless; the protector and teacher and friend of the abandoned and hurt; from where He dwells, the holy reality beyond earthly comprehension, He fulfills this role perfectly.
He is not far off; His seat is right where you are.
God places those who are lonely and alone in families, draws them to people who are more than willing to offer the compassion and love of the Lord to those who feel isolated and cut off.
No matter what you may think or feel, or even where you are, God does not leave you in the cold — it is impossible for you to be truly alone.
God breaks the bonds of those shackled by fear and lack and darkness. He frees those who are imprisoned by sin and death, and brings them into a land that is lush and alive, filled with prosperity and hope for today and tomorrow.
There are no strings attached, no caveats, no fine print; only obedience. God does not will for anyone to remain outside of His protection, His nearness, or His abundance.
You will only live in that wasteland of fear and hopelessness as long as you choose to! It is a far better thing to live in the sight of the Most High.
For those who have chosen to enter into His land, you have every reason to live like it. No fear of anything; not of lack or loss or disease or death. Not for you. There is none of that in this psalm — go ahead and look!
For those who still remain in the dry, empty, futile land of rebellion, it is so easy to leave it all behind, and to let Him take you where you will always belong, where you will always be provided for.
Living under Providence is the gateway to the best life possible, on this earth and in eternity.