From Daniel
The image on this post is something I made with an editor and saved as my desktop wallpaper, because I wanted to be sure I could look at it all the time. I made this quite a few weeks ago and it has more or less been “just for me.” I did not pay much attention to it for the next few weeks afterwards, but it was nice to remember and have it there. That has been the case until today.
The past two Sundays have been significant for me, as I heard a lot from God in my own heart and from what others felt they heard God tell or show them. Those moments were very personal and very moving, and I tried each week to grasp them and remember them closely. I wanted to meditate on those words and events as often as I could, but they eventually passed into memory. I knew they were important and even took notes on what I heard and plugged them into my phone to read whenever and wherever.
I felt just a little frustrated the days afterward, as I felt I had perhaps allowed some old habits or an old train of thought that I had no need to take back what God had thrown it away. I was thinking, if only a little bit, about all of that this morning and I believe I was supposed to write this out here. I plan to go back and read this and other words I have saved, every day, until I can think about them without thinking too hard.
This is from Daniel 10:19 and is something Daniel hears from a vision he is being shown as a result of his prayer and the favor God has over his life. He is shaken up and terrified by what he is seeing, but he is encouraged and called “highly esteemed”. This happens twice:
“As soon as you began to pray, a word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed.” (Daniel 9:23)
“Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,” he said. “Peace! Be strong now, be strong.” (Daniel 10:19)
I felt as if both of those instances were being pointed out to encourage me. I was a little surprised, but I really do think the Holy Spirit drew my attention to those verses, from a part of the Bible that has always been my favorite to read ever since I was little. I think He was insisting that that is who I am — one “highly esteemed”. While I have never given full attention to that until now, it makes whatever “feelings” or any kind of worries or distractions I was concerned about laughable. Not in a shameful way, but in a way that is actually funny.
And because I am “highly esteemed”, there are three things I should do:
- Not be afraid.
- Choose peace.
- Be strong, right now.
Those are things I know are up to me to practice, every single day. Nobody can do those things for me. I am challenging myself to practice doing those three things, starting today. I know that that is already the person I am; I already have permission and ability to live like one “highly esteemed” every day. I hope that you can also be challenged to live knowing you are highly esteemed by Heaven.