Ending Worry
This morning, after confronting some junk and issues about worrying that I hadn’t properly dealt with, I felt lead to write out a prayer in my devotional journal. That prayer was personal, but I was encouraged to adjust it a little to be a prayer for anyone who faces the urge to obsess and worry instead of trusting and resting in God’s plan and presence. For anyone else who needs reminding of what is true, I am sharing that prayer.
Father, I turn to you today. I repent from worry and choosing to partner with that voice. It has been my choice to partner with this voice, and I will partner with it no longer. I repent from a lack of self-control. I am the one in control of what passes through my mind and what passes through my heart. I declare peace over my mind, I chose self-control and chose to dismiss the worrying that I have allowed to have control over my life. You have surrounded me with your presence and with words of compassion and strength and encouragement. I know that I rest in you, laugh at the enemy, and walk through all my life with your perfect joy and perfect peace inside of me.
Holy Spirit, I embrace your will. I embrace your voice and release fear. Fear and Worry, you are not the boss of me. You are not my masters; I have mastered you. You are beaten, buried, long-dead, and I no longer let your shadow have authority over my life. You go back to hell where you belong. I know that I am a good and obedient servant. Holy Spirit, remove from me every worry I have taken hold of and do not let go of. I release it; I am the beloved of the Lord, I am a child of God, I am one who is highly esteemed. I love you and I obey your voice, Holy Spirit. Comfort me and press upon me to seek out joy and laughter today.
In the name of Jesus, amen.