Aslan’s Breath
This is something I saw Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. I heard the Holy Spirit ask me to trust him, and just give up my entire mind to him. To intentionally choose to turn away and chose other things to think about, while he got rid of everything else.
The image I got as I was going to bed was of Aslan. I don’t really remember how the scene went in the book (it’s been a long time), but I immediately saw it as the scene in the movie, where Aslan just breathes on all the petrified Narnians and restores them so they can go and fight back.
I was trying to find a reference from the books, and not only does Aslan bring the statues back to life, he breathes on the children and gives them hope and courage. He also uses that same breath to heal and revive one a goofy mouse character in one of the other movies.
Anyway, with that image, I felt that I should take it as a sign that He was going to blow away all the fog of distraction and worry. That he would clear up distractions and concerns, and pull my focus away from whatever swamp I might have wandered into.
That with a simple, quiet breath, I could choose to have hope. I could always remember that image and take it as a matter of fact.
That any time I might wonder if I should listen in or pay too close attention to any thought or voice that might pass by, I can let the Lion’s breath revive me. Let Him bring courage and healing, and joy.
That every time I focus on Him and let Him “show up” in a fresh way, I can see the reality and the world that He has for me.
I know that there are a lot of people who struggle with the idea that the “real world” isn’t as dark, or shame-filled, as the reality they have been bound to; but He is “real life”. Everything else is just a fog, and not worth any attention.
“I have come,” said a deep voice behind them. They turned and saw the Lion himself, so bright and real and strong that everything else began at once to look pale and shadowy compared with him.”