All Things New
This is something that I have been feeling and hearing since Monday evening, and I wanted to share it outside of my own house and family. Around Monday afternoon, as I was catching up on devotional reading entries for the week, I heard something in my heart and spirit that I am holding on to. A while back, on a walk, I saw a picture of myself with full range of motion and strength in my whole upper body, where I would be able to hold myself up without armrests or anything needing to support my weight, and that same kind of energy throughout my whole shoulders and arms and upper and lower back.
I had forgotten about that, and had honestly experienced some quiet disappointment that I did not see that change right away. But, Monday night, I distinctly heard the voice of the Holy Spirit tell me that Jesus would give me that strength and that kind of miracle — and soon. I have gone out of my way to resist the urge to demand all change right away and become discouraged when what I expect doesn’t “happen”. But I have heard the same thing every time I listen, where my only expectations are to rest, be joyful, and live. The New Year is coming, and new and wonderful things with it.
I felt this same voice reinforce this during today’s One Year reading; this is the Voice that John hears from the One on the Throne, staring John down and telling him:
Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” (Revelation 21:5)
I believe that the miracle I have been promised will come with great speed. I will not resist by pushing or exerting or exhausting myself, or forget to take care of myself and rest. I am convinced that I am not the only person who will experience and receive miracles that the Lord has promised in 2021.
All things are made new; that will be true at the end of this world and it is true right now. These words are true and faithful, and no force can resist or defeat them.