2020 — Here We Go!
Throughout the later half of last year, my biggest prayer was that 2020 — from the very first day of the year — would be the season of huge and supernatural change for the United States and for the world. I prayed and kept praying, and felt that from January 1st, even if I didn’t “see” anything happen, things would begin to shift. The news cycle has been pretty much the same, though that is how it usually is. However, things have happened this week that seem like they may have huge impacts. Terrible enemies, not just of our country, but of the very ideals of peace and justice, and God’s redemptive will for humanity have been destroyed and are facing judgement for their crimes. That’s a pretty significant kick off to the new year. I was sitting for a while, thinking about that.
Those who hold their own influence and the status quo above doing what is right will still continue to scheme. I am not attempting to compare corrupt government officials in our country to the evil men who claim to know the will of God, as if His plan is to kill an destroy. They are a different kind of problem; however, the Bible has the same awesome (and honestly scary) warning for anyone who plans and schemes as if their authority is supreme:
“He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
“Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.” (Psalm 2:4–6)
The plans of humanity, specifically those that stand against the will of God to bring restoration, prosperity, peace, and protection, are totally futile. Not only are they futile, they are dismissed as if they are a joke. It is a far better thing to partner with the will of God, and pray that supernatural change enters into the world. I plan to continue into this first week of the year, and into 2020, in prayer and hope for spectacular, mind-blowing change. 2020 has begun; the King has been set on His throne for far longer — and I’m thinking He’s about to remind the world who’s boss.